Industrial sponsors

High-tech industries around the world – automotive, aerospace, defense, commercial/off-highway, industrial automation, medical technology and others – rely on dSPACE systems to develop and test electronic control units and mechatronics.
With dSPACE solutions, customers can dramatically reduce development times and costs, while systematically increasing productivity.

Typhoon HIL, Inc. is the market and technology leader in the rapidly-growing ultra-high-fidelity controller-Hardware-in-the-Loop (cHIL) for power electronics, microgrids, and distribution networks which provides industry-proven, vertically integrated test solutions along with the highest-quality customer support. The company was founded in 2008 and since then has been creating products distinguished by the ultimate ease of use, unrivaled performance, leading-edge technology, and affordability.
Designed with love, from ground up, Typhoon HIL tools offer a unique user experience free of third party software and hardware complexities. As a result,Typhoon HIL Control Center with all the libraries installs with a single click, models compile in seconds, digital inputs are sampled with a 20 ns resolution, and real-time simulation runs with a time step as low as 500ns on all Typhoon HIL products. We deeply believe that less is more when it comes to test equipment that our customers love.

Siemens Industry Software Romania (SISW) is owned by Siemens and belongs to the Siemens Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Software Business Unit, a computer software company specialized in 1D-3D simulation software, hardware development and engineering services for mechatronic computer aided engineering. It started 11 years ago as an affiliate in Romania of LMS International Belgium and was acquired in 2013 by Siemens.
SISW employs a staff of 110 software developers and engineers with an own management, and it is one of the most important expert R&D centres of Siemens Industry Software NV Belgium, the headquarters of the Simulation and Testing Solutions segment of Siemens PLM software. SISW contributes to the development of Siemens Simcenter NX suite of high performance software, on Test.Lab data acquisition software, and with advanced engineering services. With multi-domain and mechatronics simulation solutions, SISW addresses complex engineering challenges associated with intelligent system design and model-based system engineering. The transportation industry is a major market for SISW, with an emphasis on the automotive sector.
Scientific supports

A Carnot Institute is a research organization which places partnership research, i.e. research led with and for industry, at the heart of its strategy. Carnot institutes are recognized for their high scientific standards, their professionalism and their commitment to developing high quality partnership research. Within this respect, they take a proactive approach in favour of innovation in companies of all sizes by offering R&D support which takes into consideration the companies’ economic and market constraints. Each Carnot Institute makes firm commitments to developing its R&D activities in favor of industry innovation.

The french research group SEEDS (Electrical Energy Systems in their Societal Dimension) federates the laboratories and academic teams of electrical engineering (CNRS, the French Ministry of Research, and other research organizations); It also maintains close links with the scientific communities concerned with the problems of the generation, distribution, transformation and use of electrical energy and with the materials, methods and technologies that contribute to the realization of efficient, safe and environmentally friendly electrical devices and systems.

The Labelled I-SITE in February 2017, the Université Lille Nord-Europe (ULNE) project brings together 14 founding members with the aim of transforming the research and academic landscape in the Hauts-de-France region by strengthening and disseminating its excellence. Its goal is to create a major international university, ranked among the top 50 universities in Europe within 10 years: the Université Lille Nord-Europe (ULNE).

Cluster MEDEE (Motors and Electrical Devices for Energy Efficiency) is a professional and scientific cluster in electrical engineering in industry. It gathers companies (from SMEs to large groups) and laboratories around collaborative R&D projects.Relying on its members, MEDEE bridges the gap between two worlds: the research and the industry. The MEDEE activities are from the conception of electrical components to their optimization and the smart grid management.MEDEE is supported by public authorities (especially the Nord of France Region) ensuring a balance between State and private funding. Our members are European and bring together companies, universities, laboratories and institutional members.

The IEEE Vehicular Technology Society concerns itself with land, airborne and maritime mobile services; portable commercial and citizen's communications services; vehicular electrotechnology, equipment and systems of the automotive industry; traction power, signals, communications and control systems for mass transit and railroads.

IEEE, an association dedicated to advancing innovation and technological excellence for the benefit of humanity, is the world's largest technical professional society. It is designed to serve professionals involved in all aspects of the electrical, electronic, and computing fields and related areas of science and technology that underlie modern civilization.
IEEE's roots go back to 1884 when electricity began to become a major influence in society. There was one major established electrical industry, the telegraph, which since the 1840s had come to connect the world with a data communications system faster than the speed of transportation. The telephone and electric power and light industries had just gotten underway.
entally friendly electrical devices and systems.

As part of Horizon 2020 project funded by the European Union, Panda, an unprecedented project in France will allow the simulation and testing of new vehicle concepts in a more efficient, integrated and faster way thanks to a new innovative organization . The project is managed by the University of Lille in partnership with three universities and seven companies.

MEGEVH is a research group on energy modelling and energy management of hybrid and electric vehicles. It is a thematic group of the inter-regional network RT3 (Technological Research for Land Transport) of the Ministry of Research.
Lille University is a State University, founded in 1562 by the Spanish. It became French in 1667. Louis PASTEUR was the first Dean of the Science Faculty in 1854. Lille University was, at that time, situated in the town centre. In 1971, the Science Faculty and the different faculties in Lille moved to the new town of Villeneuve d’Ascq.
Lille is one of the leading science universities in France. Here you will be able to learn how to sharpen your critical thinking, a fundamental element in developing knowledge. You will also apprehend how to look at things from a different perspective, both academically and socially. Furthermore, you will become part of a particularly cosmopolitan French population situated less than 300 kilometres from five European countries. Make the most of your stay with us!

The L2EP was created thanks to the will of four establishments, in partnership, to regroup, in the same laboratory all the activities of research in electrical engineering: University Lille 1, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, Ecole Centrale de Lille, Hautes Etudes d'Ingénieur. During the last ten years the researchers have developed expertise in the fundamental domains of electrical energy. Their domains are power electronics and the control and development of numerical tools.