EMR 2023
Modelling and control using EMR, application to HEVs and others
Summer School of University of Lille and Art&Métier Intitute of Technology (France)
Download the EMR’23 flyer in PDF (Flyer English version)
The 15th EMR (Energetic Macroscopic Representation) international summer school was organized by University of Lille and Art&Métier Intitute of Technology in Lille (France) from the 12th to 15th of June 2023 in hybrid mode. EMR’23 proposed 6 lectures on concepts, 26 lectures on applications, 4 simulation sessions (1 face-to-face and 3 on-line). In terms of attendees, there were 118 attendees from 17 countries[1] (53 in-presence and 61 on-line). EMR’23 was supported by scientific organizations (IEEE-VTS, MEGEVH, CUMIN, L2EP) and received a strong industrial support from Typhoon HIL and Siemens Software.
[1] Algeria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, India, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Vietnam, UK, Ukraine, USA.
This workshop is focused on the Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR) methodology for modelling and control of complex electromechanical systems.
EMR is a graphical formalism that was introduced in 2000 to describe complex electromechanical systems. EMR has since been extended to complex multi-physical systems (thermal science, electrochemistry, fluid mechanics …). EMR is based on the action-reaction principle to organize the interconnection of models of sub-systems according to the physical causality (i.e. integral causality). This description highlights energetic properties of the system (energy accumulation, conversion and distribution). Moreover, an inversion-based control can be systematically deduced from EMR using specific inversion rules.
Compared with other graphical description, such as Bond Graphs or Causal Ordering Graphs (COG), EMR has a more global energetic view and contributes to system’s control design. It differs from structural description tools such as Physic Modelling Language (PML) using Object-Oriented Modelling Language, which makes its libraries to be coupled in the same way as physical units. EMR is focused on the system function and not only on the system structure. EMR gives insights into the real energy operation of systems and allows a deep understanding of its potentialities from a dynamic point of view.
In short, the distinct features of EMR lie in its clarity of physical concepts, as well as their physical causality, and its functional description rather than a structural description. It hence contributes significantly to the design of control and energy management of systems.
Summer School
This Summer School is aimed at Master and PhD students, Engineers and scientists, from both academia and industry, who have to model and control new multi-physical systems such as industrial multi-drive systems, traction and propulsion systems, hybrid electric vehicles, or renewable energy generation systems.

Prof. Christophe GIRAUD-AUDINE - General Chair of EMR'23 (Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology, L2EP, France)

Prof. Alain BOUSCAYROL - Co-Chair of EMR'23 (University of Lille, L2EP, MEGEVH, France)
University of Lille
Campus "Cite Scientifique"
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq CEDEX
To access the campus:
- the A23 or A27 motorway
- metro line 1 station Cité Scientifique (near P2 building and Barrois restaurant) or 4 Cantons (near IRCICA and ESPRIT buildings)
The activities will take place in different places (see map bellow):
- Registration: ESPRIT building (only Monday 12 June 11:00-12:00)
- Lunches: Barrois university restaurant (12:00-13:30)
- Lectures: IRCICA building, amphitheatre (14:00-18:00)
- Simulations: P2 building - room 110 (first floor) (9:00-12:00)
Map link: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1UpKxNlZXJ0tpi34h5mHofuNOfEB7-sY&usp=sharing
Wi-Fi connection:
- Login: CG-8014
- Password: 3mmGXHHpKZ